09 JUN clock 13:09

Week Ahead: EURUSD Braces For Fed-ECB Combo

This period of market calm could come to an abrupt end next week. A long list of high-risk events is likely to see volatility return with a vengeance and keep investors well-occupied.
EURUSD attempts slight recovery
01 JUN clock 10:33

EURUSD attempts slight recovery

The world's most-traded FX pair has a relatively muted response to the just-released Eurozone inflation data for May, as measured by the consumer price index (CPI).
Trade of the Week: EURUSD set for rebound?
29 MAY clock 13:27

Trade of the Week: EURUSD set for rebound?

  The euro has weakened against the US dollar by about 2.7% so far this month, as we see out the final days of May.
24 MAY clock 14:41

Mid-Week Technical Outlook: Market Mashup

It is certainly shaping up to be another wild week for financial markets thanks to the US debt limit saga.
Currency and gold
17 MAY clock 14:32

Mid-Week Technical Outlook: FX & Commodities

A sense of caution gripped financial markets on Wednesday as anxious investors kept a close eye on the US debt ceiling negotiations.