24 MAY clock 12:30

Week Ahead: USDJPY waits for fundamental spark

Despite the holiday-shortened week ahead for the UK and US, markets could remain volatile due to top-tier data across the globe. The USDJPY could end May with a bang, and here are 3 reasons why...
29 APR clock 13:34

Trade Of The Week: USDJPY monster move fuels intervention talk

Everybody is talking about the Japanese Yen, and why not? Its dramatic reversal against the dollar has sparked talks around possible intervention by Japanese authorities.
24 APR clock 13:38

USDJPY: On intervention watch

The Yen's weakness to multi-decade lows has left investors on high alert for possible currency intervention.
Target Thursdays: Bulls profit off higher stock indexes
21 MAR clock 14:27

Target Thursdays: Bulls profit off higher stock indexes

On March 15th, we highlighted 5 stock indices in our Week Ahead article (published every Friday). Now, we look at the profits potentially enjoyed by traders who believed that those indices would rise (bulls).
Trade of the Week: Yen bulls to clap back?
11 MAR clock 11:20

Trade of the Week: Yen bulls to clap back?

JPY is currently the best-performing G10 currency against the US dollar today, and also so far this month. 2 major events this week could give fresh ammo for Yen bulls to answer their critics.